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VBA Excel Course Detailsadmin2024-10-11T14:28:22+00:00
VBA Excel Course Detail
- Introduction to Excel
- Introduction to Programming
- Overview of VBA and the IDE
- Reviewing Macros and Working with Macros
- Utilizing the Visual Basic Editor (Programming Environment)
Benefits of VBA:
- A user-friendly and versatile language
- Integration with pre-built products
Understanding the VBA Editor, Modules, and Procedures:
- The Visual Basic Editor in detail
- Components of the VBA Editor
- Modules and Macros explained
- About VBA Forms, Sub Procedures, and Modules
- Creating customized forms
- Working with controls and their properties
- Running VBA Forms within Excel
VBA Syntax and Grammar:
- Objects – The building blocks
- Working with properties and methods
- Understanding parameters
- Exploring the Object Browser
- Grasping object hierarchy
- Tools for enhanced coding
- Navigating to different cells
- Editing specific cells
Storing data in variables:
- Declaring variables effectively
- Selecting appropriate data types
- Fixed and dynamic arrays
- Constants
Control Structure and Program Flow:
- IF (Else If, Else) and Select Case statements
- For Next Loop
- For Each Loop
- Do Until Loop and Do While Loop with End With
- Nesting code for complex tasks
Building Procedures:
- Creating Sub and Function procedures
- Calling procedures
- Passing arguments to procedures
- Developing an Intuitive User Interface
- Interacting with users through message boxes
- Collecting user information with input boxes
- Utilizing the File Dialog object and Dialogs collections
Variables, Arrays, Constants:
- Using the Immediate Window
- Gaining better control through the immediate window
- Formatting Cells
- Working with Variables
- Constants
- Object Variables
- Dimensioning and usage of variables
- Displaying and obtaining data from users
Creating Customized Dialogs with User Form Objects:
- Adding command buttons
- Using list and combo boxes
- Labels for clear information
- Option buttons for choices
- Check boxes for multiple selections
- Text boxes for input
- Frames for organizing elements
- Enhancing functionality with advanced ActiveX controls.
Fonts & Backgrounds:
- Utilizing Font Property in Cells
- Exploring Different Background Properties in Excel VBA
- Developing a Counter
- Manipulating Strings
- Implementing Left, Right, Mid, and Len Functions in VBA
- Selecting and Modifying Ranges
Understanding Objects and Collections:
- Working with Workbook and Worksheet Objects
- Exploring Range Objects and Cell Properties
- Methods and Properties in VBA
- Assigning Objects
- Utilizing Name Arguments
Understanding Arrays:
- What is an Array and Why Should We Use It?
- Declaring an Array
- Sorting Data within an Array
- 2-Dimensional Arrays
- Dynamic Arrays
- Upper Bound of an Array
- Storing Data in a Range of Array Elements
- Utilizing Various Array Functions
Functions in VBA:
- Using Excel Worksheet Functions in VBA
- User-Defined Functions
- Adding Help to User-Defined Functions
- Declaring Variables in User-Defined Functions
- Working with Ranges in User-Defined Functions
- Creating and Managing an Add-in for User-Defined Functions
Error Handling:
- Handling Run-Time Errors
- Using GoTo Line
- GoTo0 Statement
- GoTo 1 Statement
- Resume Next Statement